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How to Make a Bridal Bouquet Using a Holder

Pre-wedding days are filled with pleasant troubles and important things. You need to take care of the room for the celebration, choose a beautiful dress for the bride and groom to create a charming flower arrangements. A lot of worries associated with the selection of the bridal bouquet.

Attribute must fit the style of the wedding, the bride set off the outfit. Any large-scale celebration or a holiday with the family can not do without the charming bouquet. Basically, for its production using natural flowers. However, the modern bride are increasingly give preference to synthetic materials to create the wedding songs. One such material - foamiran.

Charming bouquet of artificial flowers is no less attractive lively composition

Products made of this material does not cause allergies, long retain their attractive appearance, does not deteriorate under the influence of cold temperatures. Bouquet of foamirana can be an excellent complement home decor after the wedding.

The tradition of throwing the bouquet

Bridal bouquet is accompanied by a Woman during the official part of the celebration. At the end of the event, the newly made wife gets back to the guests and throw flowers into the crowd of unmarried women. It is believed that the girl who caught the bouquet, soon will wear a wedding dress. Happy owner of a flower is to save the product to his own wedding.

One of the wedding traditions - to throw a bridal bouquet

Charming tradition is present in the culture of many peoples. There is an opinion that the custom is the transformation of old European ritual. In the Middle Ages, from the wedding dress of the bride cut a small item that served as a kind of amulet for an unmarried lady. When the value has increased dresses, custom beat by making the main character throwing the wedding bouquet. In Russia, floral arrangement are exchanged during the wedding round dance. The bride was blindfolded and led around the dance. The girl is not watching gave her a bouquet of one of the participants of the action.

Today the tradition has survived, but has undergone some changes. Besides the standard throwing a bouquet into the crowd, the bride can each unmarried girlfriend give one flower. Because the wedding floral composition is the main accessory image, often create a bouquet doubler. Such action helps to keep the memory of a great day, and add to the home decor charming heirloom.

The original ritual allows you to give a tribute to tradition and have fun

Embodiments manufacturing attributes from foamirana

Foamiran is a plastic material, which allows you to create a variety of masterpieces. By connecting the imagination, of foamirana can make real works of art, characterized by originality and elegance. For the manufacture of the attributes used Iranian or Chinese foamiran. Soft material has good strength, saturated colors and velvety structure. Working with the raw material does not cause problems, we need only connect the imagination. For the bride's bouquet from foamirana can create the following colors:

  • Roses. There are many options for converting a faceless product in a romantic flower. To create roses of foamirana need to prepare a template, which is the key to success. Stencil cut out the petals, which can give a more realistic form. Bouquet of roses is a universal composition, suitable for all wedding styles.

Bouquet of roses from foamirana

  • Orchids. Luxurious flowers give a delicate flower arrangement and airy character.

Beautiful bridal bouquet of orchids

  • Peonies. Lush flowers of foamirana not constrained by a flight of fancy in the choice of colors and shapes. Wedding bouquet with extraordinary peonies become effective addition to any image of the bride.

Wedding attribute of pions

  • Forest, meadow and wildflowers. For lovers of beautiful simplicity, we can create a lovely campanula, carnations, Globe, and Clover etc. Wedding bridal bouquet of foamirana with item will look bright and extraordinary.

Harmonious composition can be created from a variety of tsaetov

  • Exotic flora gifts. Connoisseurs of unusual colors can create a bridal bouquet of iris African or cape daisy.

How to make a bouquet for the bride alone

To shine at the wedding with a beautiful wedding attribute, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money and effort on shopping trips. Create an extraordinary masterpiece can own. A drop of perseverance, a little patience - and a delightful bouquet of foamirana ready.

Presented will teach a master class to create a charming chrysanthemum, which are suitable for weddings in a variety of colors: green, purple, yellow, orange, blue and others.

To create a bridal bouquet with their hands will need:

  • foamiran various shades;
  • pastels matching colors;
  • Floral and conventional thin wire;
  • portbuketnitse (attribute can be found in the shops for florists);
  • nylon (12 mm) and satin (25 mm and 55 mm) of the tape;
  • ball of foam (diameter 15 cm);
  • small parts for jewelry: beads, tulle, lace;
  • sewing thread or fishing line;
  • glue gun, scissors, iron.

1. Create stencils. Of thick paper cut to the diameter of the hexagon 3 4,5,6 cm. For a single flower need preform 4 having a diameter of 4 cm, 2-3 member with a diameter of 5 cm and 6 cm. Number of stencils can be changed in the process of creating a chrysanthemum. The main rule - the end result should look natural. For a harmonious wedding bouquet you want to create 30 colors. Accentuating the details in the article - 9 mauve chrysanthemums, the majority - white and cream attributes.

Workpiece to create beaters

2. When the stencils are ready, you can begin creating beaters. To do this, take foamiran suitable shade, cut off from a small piece of the product. Width of working part should match the dimensions of the stencil. Foamiran can be folded in several folds, thus at a time to make some preparations. Further, putting a stencil to the product and cut hexagon.

Cut future beaters

3. On the resulting corolla need to make 6 cuts from the edge to the center. Straight line should begin in the middle of the figure.

Make a neat incisions

4. Get the flower should be given a more expressive form. To round off the edges of the petals using scissors.

Round off the ends of the petals

5. Similarly, to make the necessary number of beaters.

6. Each flower do 2 central corolla. For the work you need to use ready-beaters with a diameter of 4 cm. Each lobe was added 2 incision.

How to make the central beaters

By creating your own composition, it is important not to be mistaken with the number of colors. Avoid such a situation can be made by 10 beaters right colors, with different diameters.


7. Adding colors. To create a natural composition, get corolla need to add color. Can achieve the desired result using pastels. Center petals neatly covered with a green tint.

Adding green notes to the composition

The main components - purple chrysanthemum of foamirana - should be of 2 types. One of the darker and lighter toward the center of the edges, the other - the middle of the light and dark petals. White or cream flowers can be diluted purple tone on the edges.

Create beautiful transitions from one shade to another, you can use the pastels

When working with pastels may have some difficulty. Soft better product applied with a damp cloth, gently spreading the material over the surface.

8. The next step - the creation of forms. For the procedure you will need the heated iron. Exposing knob to point 2 is applied to the hot surface of the corolla.

heating the material

When the material starts to lag behind the surface, the edges foamirana added together, element is twisted into a bundle. The longer and more assertive procedure will take place, the more natural look will be the end result. Similarly, to make each piece.

Products are twisted into a bundle

9. To a wedding bouquet has found a juicy and rich look, adding to the composition of green notes. Make a neat leaves you can use the MDL to foamiranu. For the bouquet you can choose the texture of Lilies or another option, as are the attributes of a complement to the overall picture.

To select a piece of the future of sheets of material, slightly greater than in the size of mold. Then connect two elements with each other and tightly pressed against the preheated iron. After removal from the hot surface, maintain close contact foamirana and texture.

For a beautiful sheet must maintain intimate contact between the elements

A few seconds later cut into a sheet and complement its pastel dark green. Make element realistic as possible using light stretches along the edges. In a similar way 20 manufacture sheets.

Creating realistic sheets

10. The next step - the creation of colors. For the procedure will need floral wire, which divide into parts of 8 cm in length. The thickness of the product should not cause difficulties in the work. The optimum value of - 0.55 mm. First of all, create a white chrysanthemum with a cream center. End of wire twisted into a loop and applied to the adhesive element.

Apply glue to the loop

The material is passed through the middle of the pavilion of the central, slightly presses the base. Next, take a second central corolla, makes an incision in the middle and glue the flower petals of the prepared wire.

The next level - 2 white corolla with a diameter of 4 cm. Cut the workpiece to the center of the semicircle obtained connect with future flower. Third row - 2 corolla with a diameter of 5 cm, which is glued similarly to the previous levels.

Create realistic chrysanthemum

When you create flower petals at the base to form a crease. After the addition of a new element, looking at the general view of the composition. In some cases, a workpiece to be divided in half to create a beautiful picture. The number of levels and petals foamirana depends on the thickness and quality of the heat treatment.

The final stage of the creation of a flower - the last level of adherence. Row consists of products with a diameter of 6 cm. Petals are glued in a similar manner.

Ready chrysanthemum

11. In addition to flowers, to create a beautiful composition will portbuketnitse. Worldwide network harbors a huge number of ways to make the attribute of their own hands. For the class represented by the master used ready portbuketnitse and foam ball having a diameter of 15 cm. Ball divide into 2 equal parts, one cover element with white glue. Clay retain the original appearance of the attribute. From portbuketnitse remove the upper part. Attribute knob connect with the flat surface of the hemisphere using the glue gun. To increase the bonding strength can use the tape, which is fixed on the holder.

Portbuketnitse fastening and a basis for bouquet

The procedure requires attention and care to avoid damaging the accessory. Lock tape on the ball surface may be by means of a small pin.

A pin in the center helps consolidate tape

When portbuketnitse is ready, you can create a bouquet.

12. First of all, each flower you need to get rid of the wire. Then, on the basis of chrysanthemum glue is applied, and the flower of foamirana attached to the center portbuketnitse. A short distance adjusts purple flowers. Between them distribute attributes of white and cream shades.

The first level of chrysanthemums

At level with glued flowers add green sheets, folded in half.

Leaf folded in half

The next row distribute bright chrysanthemum under the lilac flowers and vice versa. Each layer was diluted with saturated greens.

Create a new color level

13. The resulting bouquet can be decorated with mother of pearl beads. Details strung on a thin wire, equidistant from each other. To fix the position of the elements, twist the base several times. An elegant addition is positioned between the rows of flower.

Charming composition of chrysanthemums and beads

14. Hide tape and foam may be using crepe paper. Take the material 20 cm wide, is folded in half the length. Kind of paper forming the skirt, by creating neat folds.

Skirt made of paper

Attribute is fixed on portbuketnitse using the glue gun.

Portbuketnitse supplemented with crepe paper

15. Add elegant music can be with the help of tulle and lace. Tulle should be dense enough to take the necessary form. For the manufacture of jewelry take strip 1 m long and 32 cm wide. The blank is folded in 2-fold, at bend location using monofilament sew the strip of lace. From the preform forming a ring. At a distance of 12 cm from the edge of the article basting line for tightening tulle.

Skirt of tulle and lace

The resulting skirt fastened to portbuketnitse using wire or thread.

decorated portbuketnitse

Ready bridal bouquet can be decorated with satin ribbons, lace, sequins, bows, etc. During registration, you can use any materials and to implement the most cherished desire.

Ready bouquet of chrysanthemums

How to Make a Bridal Bouquet Using a Holder
