The pop anime serial One-Punch Man focuses on Saitama, a masterful fighter who'south spent his whole life grooming and can at present take out his enemies in just one punch. He becomes a "superhero for fun" every bit he tries to find a villain who can actually contend with his enormous power.

One-Punch Man began as a webcomic, only its artistic design and the engaging story soon brought in enough fans for an OVA to be released. Those fans stayed and multiplied, and now the series has a large viewer base. Some of its more artistically-inclined members like to use their talents to create fan art of the serial, and what better character to practice information technology of than Saitama himself?

10 Genicecream

This piece of Saitama fan art, designed by Deviantart user Genicecream, shows Saitama relishing yet some other win, doing the fabled "walk away from an explosion", as an awestruck Genos watches from the sidelines.

The colors are amazing and bring out the characters' detailed designs, and the blend of styles (the regular Ane-Punch Man style for Saitama only a chibi manner for Genos) is cool every bit well.

9 Kyovan

This simple, colorful piece of Saitama fan art was created by artist Kyovan. The shading and colors are both excellent, and the attention to particular on Saitama's costume is amazing. Saitama'south confront also looks extremely well-drawn, with expert design and phenomenal use of contrasting orange and imperial tones.

The cute properties creates a lovely aesthetic to cap the piece off with.

viii Hee-li-265791

The use of lighting in this piece of Saitama fan art (which was designed past artist hee_li_265791) is probably its most stunning detail, as the gorgeous backdrop casts a striking light on Saitama.

The "I-Punch Man" himself is drawn with superb accuracy, and the accompanying cityscape creates a relaxed environment.

7 Jenny Mun

This incredibly detailed piece of Saitama fan fine art, washed by artist Jenny Mun, uses vivid colors (most notably cerise, orangish, blueish, and yellow) and an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-follow, yet gorgeously circuitous, art style to create a masterpiece worthy of any gallery.

Saitama is drawn perfectly and with an extremely high level of accuracy to the anime, although the heavy apply of shading and gradients gives him a much more intricate - and, in a way, much more than exciting - pattern.

6 Arcanedist

This engaging slice of Saitama fan art, drawn with exceptional skill by creative person Arcanedist, pictures the anime protagonist training for his adjacent fight against the pouring rain, doing his signature "gear up to punch" pose while non batting an centre at the rough climate around him.

Not simply is this piece of fan fine art exquisitely drawn and marvelously detailed (just wait at the shading on his costume!), it also captures his never-stop-practicing mentality perfectly.

5 Maggie Venable

This slice of impressively colored, near cartoon-ish Saitama fan art was drawn past digital artist Maggie Venable. The lighting and shading are both superb, with contrasting shades of yellow forming Saitama's conform, and vivid pinks and blues forming his cape.

The pose is drawn perfectly, and Saitama's wry smiling gives u.s. a hint of what's to come up.

4 Evil-usagi

This awesome piece of Saitama fan art, created by extremely talented Internet artist Evil-usagi, shows Saitama walking away from a cloud of smoke - presumably, one caused by his last fight - equally his face contorts into a look resembling disappointment at his foe.

The extreme detail and shading make this slice simply that much better, and information technology gives Saitama's "anime" look a uniquely distinctive level of depth.

iii Ry-spirit

In this piece of fan fine art, done past creative person Ry-spirit, Saitama has no reason not to fissure a smile while walking away from a defeated enemy, although allow's be honest - he knew he was going to win from the very get-go.

The extreme level of shading and texture on this piece makes it seem then realistic it's almost frightening, and the contrast of Saitama's nighttime xanthous outfit and his conquered dark-green foe - confronting a xanthous and dark-green background - creates a visually transformative aesthetic.

two PenguinFrontier

This extreme piece of Saitama fan fine art, washed by artist PenguinFrontier, shows Saitama and Genos becoming action heroes, every bit Saitama shows off his masterful punches while Genos, non to be topped, shows his powers are no less flashy. The colors in this piece are outstanding, and the smoothen contrast of xanthous colors against bluish colors throughout creates a distinctly violent vibe.

Saitama himself is fatigued very well; his pattern is packed with item while nevertheless being truthful to the more than simplistic style of the anime.

1 Corphish2

This slice of unbelievable Saitama fan art was created by artist Corphish2, and information technology shows Saitama with a hardened expression on his face - almost regretting that it had to come this - and pulling his arm back to deliver a finishing movement.

The dainty thing about this piece, in item, is that it'due south still done in the One-Punch Man style (for the almost office), just the unique usage of shading and color creates a much more than artistic, elaborate design.

NEXT: I Punch Man: 10 Pieces Of Fan Fine art That Are Absolutely Heroic

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